DJ: Davy Sims

Davy Sims is a multi-award winning media producer from Belfast, Northern Ireland, who specialises in radio and web.
Starting his career in 1979 at Downtown Radio he became known for supporting new bands including some who would become the best known in punk and new wave. As a radio producer in BBC Radio Ulster (1986 – 1999), he was known for supporting emerging music and young journalists. He also held senior production positions in London on BBC Radio 1, the national popular music station for younger people, and Radio 4 the speech-based station.
In 1999 Davy was the first producer in BBC NI's Online service going on to be Editor New Media until 2008 leading the production team making content for web, mobile, interactive TV, and digital communities.
Since leaving the BBC, Davy has lectured in radio production, and online analytics in Dublin Business School, and has worked with the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland on their Sound and Vision scheme. He spent time in Slovenia occasionally lecturing and working on digital tourism. He returns there as often as possible.
His travels introduced him to music he didn’t usually hear – first from the Balkans and now from anywhere and everywhere. This led to a weekly radio show playing music from around the world. The programme is a mix of passion, work, and hobby. It is carried by seven radio stations in Northern Ireland and two in Scotland, one in England and one in Sri Lanka.
He was a member of the Belfast Music steering group which helped the city to join the UNESCO City of Music network.
Apart from the weekly radio show, Davy has retired and now travels as often as possible to international music events. He is director of two start-ups, Belfast DAB Plus with an interest in DAB broadcasting and Enterprise Media Ireland – a media education project working with refugees in Northern Ireland. For more than 10 years he has been a trustee/director of Argyle Business Centre on Belfast’s Shankill Road promoting employment and education in one of the city’s most disadvantaged areas.
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