DJ: Vladimir Potancok
Rádio FM

Born 1965. After a couple of travelling years he prefers to travel with ears. In 1993-1998 some shows (including one concerning to a world music) on independent Radio Ragtime in Bratislava. Writing reviews and other materials about music in some print and internet magazines (inZine, 5D, .týždeň), at this time working in a music department of the best bookstore in the town. Sometimes plays on summer festivals, in tea-houses and non-smoker club parties under nicknames DJ Potkan or DJ Mooshak. He especially loves music from West Africa, Mesoamerica, India and Central Asia, but plays almost everything what is able to move people´s ears, legs and souls.
As a graduate of ethnology and social anthropology in Comenius University he prefers to amuse people with ethno music behind the decks, not to bore them with various theories.
From 1st of December 2010 he started to broadcast show called Hudba_sveta (Music of the world) on Radio_FM, Bratislava.